Job Responsibilities
在餐厅门口迎接和问候所有客人包括潜在的客人,应确保做到以下几点: Meet and greet all guests, and potential guests, at the front of the Restaurant by ensuring the following: a. 确保餐厅在开门前作好接待客人的准备,服务人员以及餐桌都应根据开业标准准备就绪 Ensure the restaurant is ready to receive guests prior to opening and that both wait staff and tables are ready in line with opening standards b. 确保餐厅的营运设备干净,处于正常运转状态 Ensure restaurant operating equipment is clean and in working order c. 根据酒店的标准保持完整的制服及良好的个人仪容仪表 Maintaining impeccable uniform and personal presentation standards in accordance with hotel policy d. 接待客人到餐厅时,应使用餐厅的名字 Welcoming guests to the Restaurant, by using the Restaurant name e. 询问客人是否有预定,如果有应记录在预定簿上 Inquiring if they have a reservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do f. 如果客人没有预定,应根据他们的用餐喜好为他们预定,并记录在预定簿上 Creating a reservation for them with their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservation book g. 认真对待客人的要求 Being attentive to guest requests 根据酒店的标准带领客人到他们喜欢的或是预定的桌椅入座 Escort guests to their preferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurant standards 根据酒店的标准在预定簿上记录电话预约 Take telephone bookings and document in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards 按照迎宾的标准培训服务员 Train wait staff and bus staff in hostess standards 认真对待客人的投诉并尽可能解决问题,向主管汇报所有投诉 Be attentive to guests and resolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to your supervisor 负责迎宾台的清洁 Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of hostess stations 负责所有菜单及酒水单的清洁 Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of all menus and drink menus 协助酒水服务 Assist with beverage service 协助用餐服务 Assist with food service 熟悉和了解详细的菜单,包括每日的特色菜 Maintain detailed knowledge of menu, including daily specials 安静并且高效地维持餐桌清洁 Ensure tables are cleared quietly and efficiently 安全的使用餐饮托盘,尽量避免餐具损坏 Carry food and beverage trays in a safe manner to minimize breakages 准确、清楚地为客人点餐 Complete dockets accurately and clearly 掌握酒店所有活动的最新信息 Maintain current information on all general activities of the hotel 与经理和人力资源部经理合作确保部门员工有良好的工作表现,职责如下: Works with Manager and Human Resource Manager to ensure the departmental performance of staff is productive. Duties include: a. 参加员工的招聘工作 Participate in staff recruitment b. 参加部门培训 Participate in department training c. 协助准备有效的部门工作时间表 Assist with the preparation of efficient departmental work schedules d. 提供有建设性的反馈以提高业绩表现 providing constructive feedback to enhance performance e. 知道部门的财务目标 Aware of financial targets f. 尽可能的反复利用可回收资源 Recycles where-ever possible 熟悉职业保健、安全相关政策和程序,以确保所有工作程序能得以安全地并在职业保健和安全政策范围内执行,确保下属也按该政策执行。 Demonstrate Awareness of OH&S policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within OH&S guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same 注意安全的职责并符合职业、健康、安全等法律政策和法规 Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures 熟悉酒店的安全、救护、消防及紧急情况的程序,并能安全正确的使用各种设备 Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly 及时采取措施补救危险的情况并向主管汇报潜在的危险 Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers 根据酒店要求记录安全事故及意外事故 Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements 协助总经理进行风险管理。 Assist GM to in delivering the hotel risk management.
Job Requirements
英语口语熟练 Must possess a good English level 职高、大学或者旅游学校等酒店相关专业毕业。 High school graduate, university, or travel school related course an advantage. 至少2年以上酒店工作经验 With a minimum of 2 years hotel experience
Required Languages
Job Details
Position type
Customer service
1~3 years