Hangzhou Huaguang Advanced Welding Materials Co Ltd is a China-based company mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of brazing materials. The Company's main products are copper-based welding materials and silver welding materials, including welding rods, welding rings, welding wires and welding strips. Its products are used in the refrigeration industry chain, electrical devices, motors, gas heating, plumbing and bathroom, auto parts, industrial tools, electronic devices, glasses and other industries. The Company conducts its businesses within the domestic market and to overseas markets. 杭州华光焊接新材料股份有限公司创立于1995年,是一家专注于智能、高效、绿色的焊接解决方案的国家高新技术企业。 公司一直致力于钎焊技术研发与高品质钎焊材料制造,历经25年的持续创新和发展,公司成为国内钎料行业的领先企业之一,获得中温硬钎料行业的制造业单项冠军、国家科技进步二等奖等荣誉,市场地位突出,拥有美的、格力、中车、格兰仕、三菱、松下、日立等一批优质客户群。