Vivaturf is a leading solution provider specializes in R&D, manufacturing, sales and after-sales service for sports and landscaping artificial turf and related products. Vivaturf is dedicated to do business with integrity, strive to be a reliable partner and lead the market with innovative products and comprehensive service. 2 manufacturing sites facilitated Vivaturf with 50,000,000+ square meter annual capacity. All production process including yarn extrusion, twisting, tufting and backing are applied inhouse for ensured quality and cost control. Vivaturf focus on whole process quality control from raw material to finished products by following ISO9000 and FIFA requirements. Every manufacturing steps are checked to ensure best output on finished products to offer best in class artificial turf products for customers. VIVATURF威腾是江苏威腾体育产业股份有限公司旗下品牌, 2021年,公司年产值突破了3亿元,产品出口90多个国家和地区,主要市场集中为欧洲,美国,澳大利亚,日本等高端市场,据AMI调查报告显示,威腾销量全球排名第九位,出口额位居全国前三,VIVATURF威腾已成为全球知名的人造草坪品牌。 威腾具备年产草丝20000吨、草坪2000万平米的生产能力。公司以研发和创新作为发展源动力,努力树立优良企业品牌形象,自主拥有多项核心技术,多项专利处于行业前端水平。 十余年来,威腾产品通过了国家体育用品、SGS、Labosport、NSCC、Sports Labs等机构的七十多项检测和认证,并已成为国际足联FIFA场地认证供应商,国际足联FIP创新计划项目成员、亚运会、全运会、大运会、亚洲杯、国家奥体中心人造草供应商。