Job Responsibilities
Salary - Non natives 100000--13000free apartment. - Natives:16000--22000 free accommodation or housing allowance - Schedule: two days off Monday and Tuesday for training school, Saturday and Sunday for - kindergarten and primary school. Requirements: At least 5-6months teaching experience, good accent.
Job Requirements
2 Schools in Yanjiao 燕郊hebei province and Beijing TongZhou district need two full time teachers now. The city that's 20mins drive from Beijing. Position: English teachers. age of the Student: 3-5 Class loads: around 20 work hours each week Class type: around 8 kids Materials and syllabus : provided by school Salary Non natives 100000--13000free apartment. Natives:16000--22000 free accommodation or housing allowance Schedule: two days off Monday and Tuesday for training school, Saturday and Sunday for kindergarten and primary school. Requirements: - At least 5-6months teaching experience, good accent.
Required Languages
Job Details
Position type
English teacher