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法语区公共关系总监 PC director in French area
Full-time50k - 60K RMB per monthMorocco - 摩洛哥
Refresh at 7 months ago 2720 views

Job Responsibilities

岗位职责: 1.公共关系开发、维护:对外协调、沟通和处理与公司、项目和办事处相关的事物。 2. 及时了解摩洛哥政府和项目所在国政府政策和信息,跟进实施情况; 3. 及时建立与项目所在国主流媒体、互联网平台等关系网络,为公司发展提供支持; 4. 及时出席项目所在国政府/媒体会议及约谈,形成纪要并做到上传下达、及时内部沟通宣导; 5. 及时对接、沟通、协调和维护与项目所在国政府、中国驻项目所在国大使馆和经商处等关系,并做出有效反馈和跟踪; 6. 及时对接、沟通、协调和维护与项目所在国潜在合作单位(摩洛哥本地和中国在摩企业等)、媒体、协会、商会等关系,并做出有效反馈和跟踪; 7. 及时沟通、协调和妥善解决办事处运营和项目执行期间各种突发和应急事件,做好公关工作。 8. 与办事处其他部门交叉工作,如相关证照、资质的申报、办理等工作。 9. 协助推动办事处及项目有关工作顺利开展。 10. 中摩公共关系专员相互协助和配合开展工作。维护现有关系/开拓需要关系/风险预防与管控/突发事件处理/产业相关新闻报告收集。 11. 公共关系相关工作翻译工作 12. 完成领导交给其它任务。 岗位职责: 1.Developing and maintaining the french area public relationship and deal with the affairs which associate with our company\project or office; 2. Make clear the government policy and information of Morocco and other countries to follow up the progress situation timely; 3. Setting up the relationship net with the local mainstream media and internet platform to support the company development; 4. On behalf of the company to attending all kinds of summit and public activities and spreading the summary to relevant people to keep them informed the updating news; 5. Connecting\communicating and maintaining the relationship with local government\Chinese ambassador\business office\potential partner\social media\institution etc and take quick response to those relevant affairs; 6. Properly handle and deal with all kinds of emergence and suddenly happen matters by timely communication and coordination; 8. Cooperate with other department to settle those cross-function work such as permission license associate work; Job qualifications: 1.Good working experience in French area and better have Morocco PR\government\mainstream social media resources; 2.Above 5 years PR and more than 3 years equal position working experience; 3.Deep and comprehensive understanding for Morocco include but unlimited in political\economical\law and other aspects; 4 Excellent English and France ability;

Job Requirements

任职要求: 1 具有摩洛哥公关工作经验,最好有摩洛哥公关、摩洛哥政府资源、主流媒体经验等; 2.五年以上行政管理岗位工作经验,三年以上同等职位工作经验; 3 对摩洛哥有深入、全面的理解,包括但不限于政治、经济、法律文化等; 4 有较好的法英文听说读写能力 5 为人诚实、做事灵活; 6 完成上级领导安排的其他任务 7 形象好 Job qualifications: 1.Good working experience in French area and better have Morocco PR\government\mainstream social media resources; 2.Above 5 years PR and more than 3 years equal position working experience; 3.Deep and comprehensive understanding for Morocco include but unlimited in political\economical\law and other aspects; 4 Excellent English and France ability;

Required Languages

Mandarin, French, English

Job Details

Position type

Other consulting positions


Unlimited experience

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