Job Responsibilities
(暂时只考虑英语母语外籍人) (For the time being, only native English speakers are considered) 1、为中文手机游戏翻译FAQ和词汇表 ; 1. Translate FAQ and glossary for Chinese mobile games; 2、把中文游戏文本翻译成英文 ; 2. Translate Chinese game text into English; 3、 根据日本动漫、手机游戏的使用习惯,确保翻译及游戏在本地化内容符合当地文化,并对游戏文本进行校对 ; 3. According to the usage habits of Japanese animation and mobile games, ensure that the translation and localized content of the game conform to the local culture, and proofread the game text; 4、熟悉北美的日本动漫用户喜好,可为广告营销提供点子。 4. The preferences of Japanese animation users who are familiar with North America can provide ideas for advertising and marketing.
Job Requirements
1、中英文流利,英语母语外籍人; 1. Fluent in both Chinese and English, native English speakers; 2、有一定的游戏翻译相关工作经验 ; 2. Have certain work experience related to game translation; 3、非常注重细节 ; 3. Great attention to details; 4、主观能动性强,能自主安排工作并完成任务 ; 4. Strong subjective initiative, able to arrange work and complete tasks independently; 5、熟悉并热爱日本动漫作品; 5. Familiar with and love Japanese animation works; 6、熟悉模拟经营类、放置类、卡牌类游戏优先。 6. Familiar with simulated business, placement, and card games is preferred.
Required Languages
Mandarin, English
Job Details
Position type
Community Operation/Localization Operation
1~3 years