汇利达国际货运(香港)有限公司自1997年在香港成立以来,经过20年的奋斗,通过我们各位同事的同心协力,国内客户和海外合作伙伴的大力支持,以及公司领导层系统灵活的管理, 汇利达已经迅速地发展壮大。现在,我们已经在中国大陆的深圳、广州、上海、宁波、天津、厦门、青岛、义乌、南京、重庆等主要沿海口岸及首都北京拥有11个分公司。2011年10月在新加坡成立分公司,目前已经拥有4家海外分公司(美国、法国、西班牙、新加坡),海外代理网络更是覆盖了100多个国家。 随着物流行业的高速发展,拥有竞争力的运价和完善的销售、代理网络是汇利达不断成长的关键,为客户提供高品质的服务和具有竞争力的运价是我们能够站稳市场份额的最主要原因。我们秉承“以客户为先” 的服务理念,为社会各界客户提供方便快捷、安全可靠的国际物流服务,目标致力于成为持续引领中国市场、综合服务能力强、最具全球影响力的现代国际物流品牌。我们相信在全体800多位敬业且专业的员工的共同努力下,汇利达将保持不断进步,再创事业高峰。 Unitex International Forwarding (HK) Ltd. was established in Hong Kong in 1997. Through 20 years of development,we have grown up quickly.Now we have built 12 branches in Chinese main port cities including Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Xiamen,Shanghai,Nmgbo,Yiwu,Tianjin,Qingdao,Dalian,Nanjing and Beijing. In Oct,2011,Unitex Singapore office has established and went into her normal operation. Also, during the 20 years we have established a perfect oversea agent network covering more than 100 countries.We 're in accordance with "Always Customer First" service core. Devote ourselves to have the strongest comprehensive service ability,to be the most global competitiveness and the leads of international Logistics Brand in China's market. With the effort from over 800 dedicated professional staffs ,we believe Unitex will develop continuously and reach a new heights in the future.