The name of Beise Network is derived from the line "Bright teeth are as white as seashells" in the poem "Mo Shang Sang", implying that everyone's teeth can be as white and flawless as seashell powder. As a vertical interactive communication platform exclusive to the oral field, Beise Network was established in 2019 and is composed of a group of young people with 11 years of experience in Internet medical practice. 贝色网名称的由来源于诗句陌上桑的“皓齿还如贝色含”,喻义着大家的牙齿都能像贝壳粉一般洁白无暇。 作为专属于口腔领域的垂直互动交流平台,贝色网成立于2019年,由一群有着11年互联网医疗从业经验的年轻人组成。