Shanghai Mengbiai Catering Management Co., Ltd
Catering & HotelShanghai
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The Bund 18 introduces a new legendary French dining experience — 18 by FRÉDÉRIC ANTON, crafted in collaboration between the LENOTRE group and Michelin three-star culinary master Frédéric Anton, presenting a new art of plating. As a top French dining brand, the LENOTRE group owns several high-end French restaurants globally. The Michelin three-star restaurant Le Pré Catelan, located in the Napoleon III building in Boulogne forest, Paris, is a steady fixture, as is Le Jules Verne, a Michelin one-star restaurant situated on the second floor of the iconic Eiffel Tower, also part of the LENOTRE group. This time, we join hands with the LENOTRE group, combining luxurious cuisine with magnificent scenery to create a heart-stirring symphony of flavors. The design of the restaurant and its dishes is also a dialogue with Chinese art. Frédéric Anton brings life to the kitchen, and '18' symbolizes 'prosperity' in Chinese culture. The blended concept is simple yet extraordinary, elegant without complexity. Just like every delicacy created by the chef, interwoven with the artistic trajectory of Chinese ink, it slowly unveils the beauty of the East, perfectly complementing the vibrant art of French haute cuisine, and is tastefully presented on the plate. The countdown to this grand feast of clinking glasses has begun, and 18 by FRÉDÉRIC ANTON is set to officially open in January 2024! 外滩18号新晋传奇法餐——18 by FRÉDÉRIC ANTON,由 LENOTRE 雷诺特集团与米其林三星顶级厨艺大师弗雷德里克·安东倾情描绘全新的餐盘艺术。 作为法国顶尖餐饮品牌,LENOTRE 雷诺特集团在全球拥有十几家高级法餐厅, 位于巴黎 Boulogne 森林拿破仑三世建筑内法餐厅 Le Pré Catelan 常年稳居米其林三星,且位于巴黎地标——埃菲尔铁塔二层米其林一星餐厅 Le Jules Verne , 也属于 LENOTRE 雷诺特集团旗下。此次,我们与雷诺特集团携手共进, 将高奢厨艺与壮美景观连结,奏响心动的舌尖乐章。 餐厅与菜品的设计也是一场与中国艺术的对话。弗雷德里克·安东赋予了厨房生命,而“18”在中国文化中象征着“繁荣”,交融后的理念简而不凡,华而不杂。正如chef手下的每一道珍馐般,交织着中华笔墨的艺术轨迹,让东方之美慢慢呈现,与艳丽的法式上流美食艺术相结合,恰到好处地点缀于餐盘之上。 这场觥筹交错的盛筵之约已进入倒计时,18 by FRÉDÉRIC ANTON 将于2024年1月正式启幕!

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