SpreadFun Group
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Spreadfun was founded in 2016, is a world's leading open social platform. Making friends, voice chat, games and etc. We are committed to building a leading pan-entertainment social ecosystem in emerging markets. 4Funlite is involved in markets such as the South Asia, Middle East, Southeast Asia. 乐趣无限(广州)隶属于 SpreadFun Group(位于新加坡),公司业务涉及短视频、语音直播、社交等领域。 乐趣无限深耕印度市场,辐射并拓展中东和东南亚,核心产品 4Fun 是印度的头部社交娱乐平台之一, 作为快速崛起的新兴市场泛娱乐社交平台,上线即获得多个国家APP畅销榜前十名,月活跃用户超250万。 目前在广州、深圳、珠海、班加罗尔分别设有办公场地,专注于为目标用户解决社交娱乐需求,我们致力于打造新兴市场的泛娱乐社交生态。

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