定位 Our Vision 致力成为中国最好的公共商业空间创意和运营服务商 Aspired to be the best creative and operational services provider specializing in commercialization of public spaces in China 为吸引更多的目标受众和消费者提供全面的推广解决方案,触达终端受众 Providing integrated marketing solutions to clients for reaching their target audiences and end customers 服务对象 Our Clients 商业综合体、购物中心、博物馆、美术馆、旅游景区、体育场所、私人机构空间、以及社区中心等各类公共商业空间 Retail complex, shopping malls, museums, galleries, tourism attractions, sports centers, privately owned spaces, communities, and all kinds of public spaces with commercial potential 经验和发展 Experience & Progress 服务的客户中75%为合作超过三年的国际知名品牌 Over 75% of our clients are internationally acclaimed brands that have been with us for more than three years 与国内七成以上重要中高端商业地产保持长期的合作关系 We maintain long-term partnerships with over 70% of mid- to high-end commercial properties in China 截至2020年,已成功操作过300场次大型线下互动体验活动和展览活动 We have managed over 300 large-scale offline interactive events and exhibitions. 主营业务 Core Business Areas 公共商业空间的概念创意和主题营销: Creative concepts & thematic promotions for commercial properties that are open to the public 商业概念的创意 Concepts for creative commercialization 主题概念的创作 Innovative thematic promotions 自主活动创意和策划 Event planning & management IP主题的策划与展览 Events & exhibitions featuring Intellectual Properties 视频创意和制作 Video ideas & production 媒体传播和管理 PR & media management 公共商业空间的设计和场地应用 Designs & operations of public spaces & commercial properties 品牌策略、VI系统规划与设计 Branding Strategy and VI design 景观及设施设计 Landscape & interior design 平面及制作物设计 Graphic design & production 装置、装饰及灯光设计 Installation, decoration, and lighting 文创衍生品设计 Creative merchandise Pop-up创意和设计 Pop-up concept & installation