Shanghia PYTES Energy Co,LTD
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PYTES is a leading developer and manufacturer of Lithium-ion battery packs and cells. By holding cutting-edge technologies, 1000+ employees, and independent R&D capacity, it allows us to offer one-stop battery solutions within various application areas: * E-micro mobility Vehicles (E-bikes, E-scooters, E-motorbikes, etc.) * Battery storage system (Home ESS, C & I ESS ) * 3C applications products * Lithium-ion battery cells With nearly 20 years of industry experience, PYTES has been consistently targeting to be a world-class battery expert and to accelerate the carbon neutrality transition by providing sustainable battery solutions worldwide. PYTES products and services are in high demand around the world, which is why we are now expanding our offices, service centers, and warehouses globally. Show all details 上海派智能源股份有限公司, 2015年2月正式成立公司,注册资金9000万元。迄今为止锂电行业经验积淀18年,全球化服务布局,上海、山东、越南、欧洲4大生产基地,服务– 3C、 医疗、电动自行车、电动工具、电动摩托、电动汽车、储能等市场领域,为客户提供一站式新能源解决方案。并以标准化能源解决方案为基础,打造标准化产品和自有品牌。 公司现有员工1000余人,年销售额超过15亿元人民币。公司每位成员始终以“专注、创新、务实、合作”为经营理念,立志打造共担、共创、共享的平台,持续经营,回报社会。 ◆研发创新实力 公司拥有国内一流的研发团队和研发管理体系,研发团队人数为300人以上,在职10年+研发人员50多人,5年+研发人员80多人,研发方向有机械研发、电芯研发、电子研发、电池检测等。截至目前,公司已有总计130多项实用新型专利 、发明专利、外观设计专利等。公司拥有德国莱茵TüV集团合作实验室、独立研发中心、科研工作站、是工信部锂离子电池安全标准特别工作组全权成员单位,积极参与国家和行业标准制定,在业内树立了较强的核心技术优势。 ◆主营业务 3C消费类电池产品、电动自行车类电池产品、电动摩托车类电池产品、智能吸尘器类电池产品、储能类电池产品、圆柱电芯、实验室检测服务。

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