Artificial Intelligence & IOT & RobotShanghai
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中科新松有限公司是新松机器人集团的关联子公司,2014年于上海正式成立。 作为国内协作机器人行业的领先企业,中科新松聚焦于协作机器人系列化产品的自主研发和生产,率先取得多项自主研发的专利技术,一路上也创造了很多行业第一。截至目前,已拥有了完善的协作机器人产品矩阵,广泛应用于汽车、3C及半导体、教育创新、医疗健康、食品药品、服饰纺织等行业,出口东南亚、北美、欧洲等数十个国家与地区。 中科新松被工信部认定为首批国家级“专精特新”小巨人企业,荣获“高新技术企业”、上海市“科技小巨人”企业、上海市企业技术中心、上海市智能工厂、上海市智能机器人标杆企业,获得全国五一劳动奖、上海市科技进步一等奖等殊荣。Zhongke Xinsong Co., Ltd. is an affiliated subsidiary of Xinsong Robot Group, officially established in Shanghai in 2014. As a leading enterprise in the domestic collaborative robot industry, Zhongke Xinsong focuses on the independent research and development and production of collaborative robot series products, taking the lead in obtaining multiple independently developed patented technologies and creating many industry firsts along the way. As of now, we have a comprehensive product matrix for collaborative robots, which are widely used in industries such as automotive, 3C and semiconductor, education innovation, healthcare, food and pharmaceuticals, clothing and textiles, and exported to dozens of countries and regions in Southeast Asia, North America, Europe, and more. Zhongke Xinsong has been recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as one of the first batch of national level "specialized, refined, special and new" small giant enterprises, and has won honors such as "High tech Enterprise", "Shanghai Science and Technology Small Giant" Enterprise, Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center, Shanghai Intelligent Factory, and Shanghai Intelligent Robot Benchmark Enterprise. It has also won the National May Day Labor Award, Shanghai Science and Technology Progress First Prize, and other honors.

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