Yunzhong Wanwei Beijing Technology Co., Ltd
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A clear vision ​​fueled our growth since our foundation in 2012 Developing the Latin American Internet ecosystem and the mission of empowering customers around the world through total control over their money. Apart from experts in finalizing payments, we can also provide more than 500k KOLs worldwide and professional advertising for +5k medias, to help merchants establish a solid local presence. We are the gamers' favorite choice We released more than 10 mobile games, web games, mobile games and other products in this industry, gathering more than 30 million registered users. We have a strong Brazilian GM and customer service team support, which is deeply loved by players. Pagsmile是一家跨境支付领域的金融科技公司,致力于为全球跨境企业提供合规便捷高效的跨境支付服务。我们提供全球信用卡,银行转账,现金,钱包支付,支持代收代付。主要合作伙伴为全球金融机构、海外游戏、在线娱乐、跨境电商企业、进出口贸易企业、航旅出行、跨境物流、教育留学等。 主要产品是提供海外收款服务、本地收单服务、全球汇款服务、红包裂变服务、电子钱包服务等等。月订单规模数千万单。 公司成立以来保持了年均5倍的增长,是腾讯,网易,抖音,快手,阿里,小米等公司的合作伙伴。

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