Jack Technology Co., Ltd.
Clothing & TextileHangzhou


杰克科技股份有限公司基本情况 一、整体概况——  愿景使命:成套智联,让服装智造无限可能  企业定位:集服装面辅料仓储、数字板房、智能验布、智能裁剪、吊挂缝纫、后道分拣、成品仓储及APS、MES、WMS等软硬件为一体的成套智联服务商  客户群体:中小、中大型服装工厂,阿迪达斯、361、优衣库、耐克、迪卡侬等品牌商,还涵盖了鞋帽、箱包、家具、皮革、汽车、航空等领域,产品销往全球150多个国家和地区。  全球化运作:旗下拥有德国拓卡奔马、意大利迈卡、意大利威比玛等品牌  隐形冠军:产量占全球行业总量30%;连续13年行业销量全球第一,连续5年销售额稳居行业第一 Jack Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 603337) is a global enterprise with the largest production and sales volume and the strongest comprehensive strength in the global sewing equipment industry. It is also a global company that integrates auxiliary material warehousing, intelligent cutting, hanging, sewing, sorting, and finishing. Jack is an integrating APS, MES, WMS, PDM and other software and hardware total solution provider. Jack products benefit more than 160 countries and regions in global and serve many fields such as garment, shoe, luggage, furniture, leather, auto, and aviation.

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