Guangzhou Jieli Information Technology Co.Ltd
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广州婕丽信息技术有限公司成立于2016年,是一家以跨境电子商务运营为核心业务的企业。隶属于文峰荟集团,广州跨境电商前五。公司在供应链、产品设计上有深厚基础,能全面支持业务的发展。 2022年,公司完成了资源的整合,重新出发,以内衣为战略焦点,投入资源进行行业深耕。为进一步的发展打下坚实的产品基础。 公司的管理人员深耕服装行业多年的基础上,立足于电子商务行业,围绕优质核心产品,打造了包括产品设计、视觉设计、生产管理、推广营销、客户服务、海外仓储物流完善的供应链体系,依托成熟的网络营销手段,响应国家“一带一路”的号召,将中国制造送达全球消费者手上。公司成立后稳健发展,2021年完成6亿销售规模。公司坚持“长期主义”,致力于在全球市场塑造中国服饰品牌。 我们的高管来自于不同行业的500强,如adidas、CK、迪卡侬、安利、新东方等地方。加入我们,你们将会与他们一起共事,有快速的成长机会。 部分福利待遇: 1、工资结构:无责任底薪+行业内极高的提成机制+个人/团队年终优异奖;长期服务奖;部分岗位根据年终效益发放年终奖金; 2、社会保障:购买社会保险; 3、加班餐补 4、晋升机制:95%以上管理岗都是内部选拔提升,只要你够努力,升职加薪,指日可待; 5、培训体系:公司为新员工提供入职培训及专业培训,入职后一对一指导; 6、员工生活:年度旅行,半年拓展,季度聚餐,月度下午茶,每周羽毛球活动; 7、公司有冰箱/微波炉/热水设置/休闲用餐厅 办公地址:广州市越秀区白云路83-85高速公路大厦13、14楼 办公电话:020 3397 2289 公交站点:白云路站/白云路总站/,有80/35/101/104/541/264等公交经过 江湾桥脚站,有12/125/194/36/24/184/61/7等公交经过。 地铁:6号线,团一大广场站,A出口,步行600米可达。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Established in 2016, Guangzhou Jieli Information Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise with cross-border e-commerce operation as its core business. It is subordinate to wenfenghui group and is the top five cross-border e-commerce in Guangzhou. The company has a deep foundation in supply chain and product design, and can fully support the development of business. In 2022, the company completed the integration of resources and made a new start. With underwear as the strategic focus, the company invested resources in the industry. Lay a solid product foundation for further development. On the basis of years of deep cultivation in the garment industry, the company's management personnel have built a complete supply chain system including product design, visual design, production management, promotion and marketing, customer service and overseas warehousing and logistics around high-quality core products based on the e-commerce industry. Relying on mature network marketing means, they respond to the call of the national "the Belt and Road" and deliver "made in China" to global consumers. After its establishment, the company developed steadily and completed a sales scale of 600 million in 2021. The company adheres to the "long-term principle" and is committed to shaping Chinese clothing brands in the global market. Our executives come from the top 500 in different industries, such as Adidas, CK, Decathlon, Amway, New Oriental and other places. If you join us, you will work with them and have rapid growth opportunities.

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